I had this crazy idea to motivate people to get outside more, to experience the positive effects of walking and exploring.
How did I come up with such a crazy idea? Simple, I was waiting for a big project to come through and I was getting bored. No, I’m just kidding, there is much more to that!
But honestly? Waiting for that project did motivate me to discover my Backyard and to experience the benefits of being outside first-hand.
I was able to put everything in a better perspective, my health improved, I was much happier (despite the fact that I’m still waiting for that project and it drives me crazy) I met new people and it overall made me a better person.
Excited seeing and experiencing all these changes, I thought it would be very selfish to keep it to myself. I started to share my stories and adventures with others, invited people to walk with me, and discover each other’s Backyards.
It soon made me realize that I had to make this experience accessible to as many people as possible.
But then comes in the trick question… how do you convince people that going outside is really good for them, that it’s fun and exciting to put a bit of adventure into your life?
I guess that’s the nightmare of every marketeer on the planet… how to convince people of your product? To make it even harder, discovering your Backyard is not even a product, it’s an experience. Not a thing you can feel or touch but something you need to do first to see and feel the positive effects afterward.
Why would it matter so much to me to motivate others to go outside?
I got no idea, it’s just a gut feeling that I was following. Maybe it’s because of all the stories I’ve been hearing from others about how walking and being outside changed their lives!
A friend, who suffered from burnout, who got outside and recovered step by step, a 94 old lady that lives in the UK and walks as long as she remembers, a neighbour that had a bad hip problem but got it sorted by walking and avoiding surgery.
I could have never imagined that something so simple can have such a big impact on people’s lives in so many ways. Reasons enough to spread the word!
I searched the Internet, read books, subscribed to lots and lots of newsletters, chatted with friends and like-minded people. I looked at similar initiatives and even participated in some of them.
There were a couple of ingredients that I needed to make it a success story.
- I wanted it to be accessible to everyone, for every generation, whatever cultural background you have, wherever you live in the world and whatever financial means you have.
- The motivation needed to be worthwhile
- You need to be able to fit it in your already busy schedule.
- There is no need for anything special
I threw all the information I gathered together and I let it simmer for a while…. Soon, the #60daystodiscover well-being challenge was born.
“60 days – 10 minutes a day – 60 minutes a week” to discover your Backyard!
- 60 days… because that’s what it takes to create and sustain a new habit
- 10 minutes a day… we can all fit in 10 min a day and it’s easier to start small and make something achievable than not start at all
- 60 minutes a week… we all deserve a break once in a while
- Your Backyard – wherever you live, I’m sure there is something in your Backyard you haven’t discovered yet!
Excited to get this show on the road or should I say… Backyard 😉
P.S. The challenge is only organized twice a year! Make sure to put your name on the waiting list to be the first to know when the next challenge is going to start ??