Life is short, spend it wisely!
When was the last time you did something for the first time?
There used to be a time in all of our lives when we explored something new every single day! But then we grow up…
As adults, we can do most things on auto-pilot. Gone is our daily dose of excitement caused by new experiences. These new experiences stimulate our brains, affect movement, motivation, and the feeling of pleasure! Over the past period, the more things I explore, the more I realize what an amazing world we live in.
So, what will you do this week for the first time? When did you have some adventure and excitement in your life?
“Adventure” has a different definition for all of us. Not everyone is ready to go and explore Mount Everest. But there are small things we can all do to get some adventure and excitement back into our lives.
Here are my 6 favorite ways to get some adventure in my life, I hope you’ll try them out!
1. Get outside!
There is no better way to start exploring than to get outside. Do you know what’s around the corner besides your usual commute to work? Leave the car at home and follow your feet. Let your body guide you, get off the known paths and you’ll be surprised what lies behind it. It’s an intuitive practice allowing your body to guide you but it will often lead to a discovery of new streets, parks and will add to your sense of adventure! While you are at it, say hi to your neighbors 😉
2. Go on a weekend road-trip
Going on a month-long holiday is not realistic for me, not possible for lots of people as a matter of fact. But, most of us can find a day or a weekend to get out of town and explore. Don’t overthink it too much, pick a destination, pack the essentials and go for it! If you forgot something you go to the local supermarket. That will add some exploring to your trip as well!
I only realized that these small road trips are just awesome when I moved to South Africa. We jump in the car, take our hiking boots with and will see where the road will bring us. Ok, we usually kinda know where we are going but it sounded just a bit more adventurous that way.
3. Step away from your daily routine
Do you, like me and most of us, have a favorite coffee place? When you travel you always check out new places. Give it a try in your own town. Got any more routines? Change them around! Set your alarm half an hour earlier and start your day differently. Little routine changes make your daily or weekend routine different and give you a sense of novelty.
4. Learn something new
Study a new language, a new skill, a hobby. You’ll meet new people, in real-life or virtual, who share your interests and abilities. With the different digital platforms, it’s so easy to start something new. In the past year, I tried out Yoga, Meditation, and Tai-Chi all by following YouTube movies. I also started learning Portuguese all from the comfort of my own house. However, by picking up something new you’ll gain a sense of confidence and achievement.
5. Write a letter to the future you
Where do you see yourself in a year, three years, or even five years? I often say to a friend that we should write a letter to each other about where we think we’ll be in five years. But, I never do. However, I stumbled across this great site where you can write a letter to the future you! Give it a try and write a letter to yourself about the adventures you think you’ll be on 🙂
6. Don’t wait…
I live in the moment but moments are going really fast so I try to grasp them before they are gone and I regret letting them pass. Don’t wait to try something, to initiate, to take action. Stop playing it safe or looking for someone else to take the lead. Be a creative creator of your life. You can make it as exciting and thrilling as you wish.
There are so many reasons why we should embrace adventure in our everyday lives. First of all, we are all stuck in our safety bubble that we rarely try to experience anything new. It’s very easy to get stuck in our safe routine and sometimes we just forget how to live!
Second of all, going on vacations and little adventures is scientifically shown to make a person happier; you forget about all your work problems and go love life.
You experience something new, which allows you to share your stories. What’s even better is when you find someone else who had a similar adventure and swap stories!
Now stop reading and go plan your next adventure!
P.S. If you find it hard to find the time to do the things you love to do? Then download the free 6-step roadmap to create that life-work balance so that you have the time to add some adventure in your life ?