May 2019 – Edition 2 – Halfway there
I could never have imagined that a simple idea would actually touch and reach so many other souls. But it does and that puts a big smile on my face!
The reason why I started the #60daystodiscover is really simple. I was at a point in life where I had set my mind to something but it wasn’t going as I had it envisioned. Being stuck and not really knowing where I was heading, I started going outside on short walks.
In the beginning, I was just doing it to enhance my fitness but soon I found out that it gave me much more than that.
I realized that there was a big gap between my passion and what I was doing. Going outside gave me the possibility of putting everything in the right perspective, my creativity and productivity grew and it turned out to be a good medicine against stress!
Sure it enhanced my fitness, I lost a significant amount of weight and I slept better. But, most importantly, it has opened up the doors to a lot of different opportunities in my life. Opportunities that were always there but I just never noticed them.
All this by starting something simple as stepping outside and going for a walk!
That’s when the idea started (did I already mention that going outside enhances your creativity?) to come up with something to share my experiences. To motivate people to go outside and to LET GO.
Because when you can let go of the things that are holding you back, you create space for better things to enter into your life.
The #60daystodiscover Challenge was born and the first edition started on the 2nd of January 2019. For me it was a great success! It did exactly what it was intended for. A couple of participants shared their journey with me and how “going outside daily” really had changed their lives. They never saw it coming.
If even just one person can experience the true value of this Challenge, then I’m a happy hiker.
Today is the 30th of May, day 30 of the 2nd edition of the Challenge. We are halfway and already I’m reading the stories about the positive effects people are experiencing.
I have no idea how many are still walking every day. But that’s ok, I don’t need to know. People will reach out when they want to.
I’m not sure where the future of the Challenge is going, maybe one more edition in the format it is now. Then change it so one can start whenever they feel like, whenever they are ready for it.
One thing I know is that I’m going to keep encouraging people to go outside, reconnect with nature, and let go. For now, I’m just enjoying every single minute and taking some pictures along the way as well.
Yours truly, Peggy – A Backyard Hiker