We just have forgotten how to…
Despite the fact that it’s very easy to help each other, we are often too occupied with other “stuff”. In one way or another we stopped noticing that we can help people with simple things.
Our prime purpose in life is to help others.
Dalai Lama
Did you know that we are all born to be natural helpers? Maybe we “unlearned” it while growing up. I can remember, as if it was yesterday, that my help was not always appreciated by my parents.
As an eight-year old I was convinced that the air in the bubble wrap (my parents had an appliance store) wasn’t supposed to be in there. When I was halfway a 50m roll my father pointed out that I wasn’t supposed to “pop” the bubbles and they actually had a purpose. All I thought I was doing him a favor…
I’m sure every single parent out there can relate to a similar story about these “helping hands” 😉 And you probably said an equal amount of times : “That’s ok, Mom or Dad will do it”.
Being a kid you just helped out. You never expected anything in return, you just did because it was very rewarding to see the smile on your parents face (unless you popped the bubble wrap).
Nowadays we too often expect something in return. You have to admit that there have been occasions where you felt disappointed that you weren’t receiving the help you had hoped for. Not that long ago you helped out that specific friend that is now leaving you in the dark. Did you then reach out to him or her because you needed something in return?
If you’re helping someone & expecting something in return, you’re doing business not kindness.
As an adult we overthink too much and that’s why we stopped helping out spontaneously. The good news is, helping out doesn’t always need to be complicated.
Try one of these:
- hold the door open for someone who has got their hands full
- say thank you to the cashier and look them in the eyes when you do so
- let your partner know that the help in the household is appreciated
- let a person skip the queue when you see they are in a hurry
Simple acts of kindness that you can try to incorporate again! Just one intentional act of kindness every day (of course you can do lots more but you get my point).
I just have to warn you, there can be a bad side effect… it can actually makes you feel good as well!
It’s the giver that receives the most.
P.S. let me know what your last intentional act of kindness was.