Being open-minded
I’ve always been open-minded to learning something new. You name it and the chance is high that I tried it out ? Except maybe for one thing… I haven’t bungee jumped. I did jump out of a plane and landed next to a farmer’s shed, the parachute being stuck in the gutter. Yes, I manage to do stuff like that. Don’t even ask…
I can fly an airplane, went on a 6-day dog sledding trip in Sweden, tried out windsurfing and water-skiing, followed a calligraphy course, loved to go indoor climbing, got my motorbike driver’s license, managed to get a bruised shoulder because I tried clay pigeon shooting, went on a couple of multiple-day walking safaris in Kruger, got my Padi diving certificate in Australia, learned to play the piano, followed several 4×4 driving courses, went on a year-long bicycle trip, learned how to code in HTML, went rafting in Bali, whale spotting in Alaska and I swam with seals in New Zealand … I told you, you name it and I probably followed a course or at least tried it out!
Trying something new
My need to learn something new hasn’t stopped with me getting older. On the contrary, my list of trying something new has probably never been so long ?

Trying something new makes me feel alive, it makes me feel that I can conquer the world, it makes me feel good and, it is a great way to step outside my comfort zone! It is about new connections, new adventures, and creating new possibilities. It helps me GROW, both mentally and spiritually.
It doesn’t always have to be adventurous… in the past years I tried out meditation, and yoga, relocated giraffes and zebras, started to be a captain on the Whole Life Challenge, opened up my mind to breathwork, went on a sound journey, appreciated gratitude journaling,… Ok, maybe all these things are also adventurous but in a different kind of way. Oh, you get my point. What I’m trying to say, is I had to step as much out of my comfort zone to go to a breathwork session as when I embarked on a walking safari into Kruger ?

“If you do what you always did, you will get what you always got.” Anonymous
How to step outside your comfort zone
Are you ready to open up your mind to new possibilities and experiences? Then let’s get started with these easy three steps!
1. Put aside your limiting beliefs
Your first step is to challenge those limiting beliefs that are holding you back to step out of that comfort zone! Some examples of limiting beliefs are thinking you are too old, too clumsy, too scared, too…. What do you keep telling yourself you can’t do something?
Whatever it is, ask yourself some difficult questions and then remove those beliefs!
2. Find your kind of crazy people
Always wanted to learn how to dive? Well, you are going to create a bigger success rate when you join a diving club and enroll in that initiator course!
Surround yourself with like-minded people and expand your circle of friends at the same time. They will share your enthusiasm and understand your struggles.

3. Get excited and just go for it, finally chase your dreams
Once you have released your limiting beliefs, you found like-minded people, the next step is to get excited (if you are not excited yet) and just go for it!
Please don’t wait until you have the right outfit, you are fit enough, and you have researched everything about your new-found hobby, … if you are going to keep postponing then you probably haven’t let go of those limiting beliefs, go back to step 01!
If you never try, you will never know
There is one more thing I would like to share with you. Don’t beat yourself up if you tried something out and you didn’t enjoy it. As long as you don’t give it a try, you will never know if it is your thing.
I had great expectations when I signed up for the calligraphy course but soon realized it wasn’t my cup of tea. I finished the course, bought a beautiful book about it, and walked away with a great experience. Let’s say that I will not be making money with hand-lettering envelopes any time soon ?
On the other hand, there are lots of “once-in-a-lifetime experiences” that will enrich your life in an instant! And, you don’t have to jump out of that airplane to make it exciting ?
Do you find it hard to identify your limiting beliefs or what it is that is holding you back from embracing more Freedom in your life? Then take the FREEDOM QUIZ today and find out exactly what you can do to say YES more often ✨