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It’s time to level up your life!

Create A Great (to)Day – From Chaos to Calm

21-Day Morning Routine Challenge


Having a good morning routine will help you set the tone for the day. It will allow you better to control your schedule and focus on what is ahead of you. It will set you up for an awesome day, even if you are not a morning person 😉

Creating a morning routine is however not about ticking off as many boxes as possible before a certain time, it is about allowing yourself to begin your day with confidence, peace, and a positive attitude. It’s about avoiding the feeling that you are in a constant rush and trying to make it to the next appointment on time. It helps you to go from reactive to proactive!

Feeling productive in your day can lead to a more peaceful evening and, in turn, a better night’s sleep and a refreshed morning the next day…

Are you ready to start your day in a calm way?
Are you ready to Create a Great (to)Day?

Create A Great (to)Day

It's how you spend your morning that will change your life. Give yourself the time to check in with your body, mind and soul.

Are you ready to take control of your day? Are you ready to accept the challenge and create a morning routine that will suit your lifestyle? Are you ready to give it your all in the coming 21 days? Then all you have to do is enroll ??

Set yourself up to start your day in the best possible way you can!

Go from a chaotic to a calm morning in just 21 days!

If you can give yourself one gift towards living a more meaningful and balanced life, then say YES to the 21-day morning routine challenge today! #createagreattoday

Why should I create a morning routine?

It could be that just the thought of mornings is enough to make you roll your eyes. Believe me, everything before 07 AM was a NO-GO for me for many years. The snooze button was my best friend. Little did I know that my best friend was also the biggest reason that I would start my day in a chaotic way which continued throughout the day. Chasing myself from the first minute my feet touched the ground.

I however realized that those mornings don’t need to be painful at all. All you need is a morning routine that will suit your lifestyle!

And there are numerous benefits, both psychological and physical, of having a morning routine ??

Saying goodbye to that snooze button will save you up to 110 hours a year! Just think about what you can do with that time...

How you spend the morning will influence the rest of your day. If you start feeling rushed or lazy, expect that sensation to remain with you. A morning routine, however, gets you on track from the moment you wake up and puts you in the right frame of mind.

You'll increase your productivity! By spending every moment of your time on something valuable and productive from the moment you wake up it is easier to maintain this feeling throughout the day.

You will lower your stress levels. When you take your time to start your day and fill up your own cup first, you don't have to rush through your day.

You'll develop a couple of healthy habits! It may be tempting to hit the snooze button or to stay in bed with your phone instead of getting up immediately, but these habits waste your time. When you have a routine, it’s much easier to avoid bad habits and to develop healthy ones.

Improve your relationships! If you care enough about the people around you, you have to take care of yourself first.

Create a Great (to)Day – From Chaos to Calm, the 21-day morning routine challenge starts on Monday the 3rd of  January 2022.

Start your year with the best New Year’s resolutions ever!

Grab this opportunity with both hands and challenge yourself with creating a morning routine that will suit your lifestyle!

You can start with as little as 10 minutes.

Get on the waiting list now ??

Peggy reading a book

What can you expect from this 21-day morning routine challenge?

The challenge is hosted on Instagram!

The challenge is hosted on the private Create A Great (to)Day profile. Only those who enrolled get access to the profile during the challenge. This will be the place where I'll share tips and tricks to set you up for a successful challenge and where we'll keep each other accountable every single day.

The Create A Great (to)Day Workbook

I’ve created a workbook filled with practical exercises, prompts, and steps. So I can make sure you not only create a morning routine that will suit your lifestyle but you can also stick to it!

Weekly Live Q&A

You'll have questions, no doubt about that! Therefore I'll be organizing a weekly live Q&A on the private IG profile. You'll be able to see the replay in case you can't make it live.

Meet the experts!

Every week I'll interview an experts in their field and I'll ask them two questions - How does what you do help with a morning routine and how does a morning routine help with what you do? How does your morning routine look like?

WARNING… creating a morning routine just might change your life

Creating a morning routine and waking up at the same time every day can lead to an improved version of YOU. It can lead to several benefits like: improved sleep quality, greater alertness, sharper focus, improved job performance, reduced irritability, better immune system function, and a brighter mood. I hope you are ready for this change!

By the end of the 21-day challenge, you will...

... not only have created a morning routine that will suit your lifestyle, but you'll get all the tools to sustain that routine even when the accountability is gone.

Still Curious? Read these stories...

Here’s how it works…

Once you join the #createagreattoday challenge, you'll get access to the private IG profile. Together with the other participants, we are going to start this challenge on the 3rd of January. I’ll be your guide through the challenge, day-by-day for 21 days straight. Although we all are going to have a different routine, we'll keep each other accountable.

If creating a morning routine is totally new for you, then you can start with as little as 10 minutes. It is not about ticking of a lot of boxes, it is about starting your morning in a calm relaxed way.

It also doesn't mean that you have to get up at 04.40 as I do... it is all about creating something that suits YOUR lifestyle!

Do your mornings now start in a chaotic way or is the first thing you do grabbing your phone? Then you definitely have to enroll in this challenge!

10 minutes a day, that’s all it takes to uplevel your life ?

The next challenge will start on the 3rd of January 2022.

You better don’t hit that snooze button ?

It is time to put yourself first on that to-do list. It is time to allow yourself to fill your cup first. It is time to take care of yourself.

This is what others have got to say...

It is starting my day in a relaxed way, absorbing the energy of waking nature. And getting home full of energy, ready for the day - Ilse M.

It's the perfect way to start a working day, enabling me to cope better with stress - Ann D.

It's about allowing me to fill my cup first so I can show up for others in the best possible way - Di A.

Parenting does not make morning routines easy - but morning routines make parenting easier - Kelly VR.

Who is this Peggy person?

Hi, I’m Peggy, Wayfinding coach, creator of the Create a Greate (to)Day and a Backyard Hiker. I found the direction I was looking for when I allowed myself to get a little lost by venturing outside – both in terms of my safe little comfort zone and my literal house, I went for a walk! In the process, I learned a lot about zoning in on the things that make me tick, and now I am guiding others to do the same.

I am here to help fine folks like you find their stride and take the precious time to pursue your dreams and goals without feeling guilty for making the space in your life to do so. I’m here for those who are ready to uplevel your life!

The first important step towards living with more intention is to start your day in the best possible way! That is by creating a morning routine that will suit YOUR lifestyle. And, it doesn’t have to be complicated at all but I’ll be your guide on this journey in the next 21-days and beyond ?


When does the Challenge start?

The Challenge starts on the 3rd of January 2022. 

How long does the Challenge last?

The Challenge lasts for 21 days. 21 days should be sufficient to make a habit out of your routine. The whole idea is to create those foundations so you can slowly grow into that morning routine. 

Why do the Challenge in the first place?

Lots of people have got different reasons to start the Challenge but there is one common denominator that is starting your morning in a calm relaxed way. How your morning routine is going to look could be totally different from somebody else. If you want to focus on breathing, then that is what you’ll incorporate. While somebody else would start their day with drinking water with lemon because that will give the immune system a boost. 

What if I don't have Instagram?

I understand and while you could still participate, it is going to be a bit more difficult. You’ll receive the workbook but you won’t get access to the live Q&A, no accountability, or the expert’s interviews. It is however easy to set up an Instagram account and you can keep it private if you want.

I’ve done other challenges… do I really need another one?

Well, that depends on the goals you want to achieve. If you are looking for long-term changes then yes, you are in the right place!

What if I miss a day?

That’s ok. Just don’t let two days in a row of “missing out” sneak in. Just start fresh the next day. It’s not about doing a Perfect Challenge. It’s about showing up and commit to yourself that you want to make a change.

What’s the cost?

If you put yourself on the waiting list, there will be a special Early Bird offer ?!

The normal price to participate in this unique challenge is $ 39.

What if I already have got a morning routine?

Awesome, then you have now the option to finetune it and maybe even blow new wind into that routine!

Do I need to buy anything special or go somewhere?

No, that is not the idea! It took me two years to finetune my morning routine. I want you to start with one small step and make a habit of that. The next challenge you can take it a step further. Yes, this will be a long-term relationship we are going to build.

Still got some doubts? Drop me an e-mail on always@abackyardhiker.com